Sincerely invite you to donate or help to create the best dreaming cancer center.

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・After completion, please contact by phone to confirm: (02)2736-1661#2650 Miss Zhang Meihua
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If you have any questions, please call us at (02)2736-1661#2650 Miss Chang Meihua
Taipei Cancer Center Building Project
Taipei Cancer Center Building Animation Simulation
Taipei Cancer Center Building (Project Time-lapse Video)
The Taipei Cancer Center, established by the resources of the TMU Medical System, will continue to deepen precision medicine, strengthen cancer research and develop advanced medicine based on existing cancer clinical and research. In order to achieve the above mentioned goals, Taipei Medical University began construction of a cancer building on the campus in May 2018, which consists of 7 floors above ground and 4 floors underground with a total construction area of approximately 3,500 pings, which is scheduled to be completed in the mid-2020.
This patient-centered, cancer-integrated, energy-efficient cancer building will provide more room for cancer research and services. At that time, the service will include outpatient centers, clinical trial wards, and translational medical research laboratories.